
Microsoft Will Showcase Xbox Series X Games on May 7 - weberhoge1969

xbox series x hardware specs revealed

2020 is the year we are getting new gaming consoles from both Microsoft and Sony, and while news about the PS5 comes in at an annoyingly long-playing rate, Microsoft is doing a bang-connected job exhibit off the Xbox Serial X and generating ballyhoo around the console. After revealing the intention and the internal specs of the console, the company has today decided to render slay whatsoever of the games that will follow coming to the console.

A nip made by the Xbox account statement teases that the troupe will showcase gameplay footage from next-gen games coming to Xbox Serial X happening May 7.

Arsenic the tweet states, the company leave be showcasing gameplay from games formulated by its 'global developer partners' — that means third gear party studios. Games developed away Xbox Game Studios will likely personify shown at a later date, equally also hinted by Aaron Greenberg, GM of Xbox Games Merchandising at Microsoft. Helium mentioned in a tweet that "the Xbox Game Studios teams are problematical busy on some big summer plans."

News of the upcoming Xbox showcase comes soon after Ubisoft dropped the first cinematic trailer for the a la mode improver into the Assassin's Creed franchise — Valhalla. The company has since confirmed that it will show dispatch the first gameplay footage of Bravo's Religious doctrine Valhalla at Microsoft's even on May 7.

The Inside Xbox event is regular for May 7 at 11AM ET/8AM PT; for all of you in India, that's May 7 at 8:30PM.


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